Empowering performance through sustainable innovation and advanced technology.
Who we are
EnergonX is a technology company specialized in research and development of cutting-edge nutrition systems, environmentally friendly packaging and material solutions, food processing methods, and clinical research in the human performance domain. We also develop AI and machine learning for predictive modeling, resource allocation and dynamic optimization of logistics processes. We own research initiatives and collaborate with leading industries and the research sector in Norway and Sweden, developing and producing a wide range of products and technologies.
R&D focusing arctic climates and human performance.
Movie - 2 min watch
Energon Arctic Nutrition System - an innovative and sustainable solution for arctic climates.
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Project - 4 min read
During military operations in the field, the level of activity increases, and thus the soldiers' nutritional needs change. This is especially true during assignments with prolonged physical exertion, and in demanding climatic conditions. Physical activity and external climatic stresses are important for the composition of the diet to avoid reduced physical and mental performance.
The Norwegian Defense Research Establishment (FFI) has carried out research projects on human performance in cold weather operations for many years. The surveys show that one of the challenges is to ensure that the soldiers maintain a good enough food and fluid intake during field operations.
The main goal of this project is to develop flexible nutritional products specifically adapted to physical activity under Arctic field conditions that appeal to the user and trigger appetite. This meals will help maintain energy balance and a high enough nutrient intake over time for the user. The innovative packaging developed will consist of modular packaging components with environmentally friendly materials that contain special barrier properties, this makes the product a more efficient nutrition system and will increase usability for the end user.
R&D partners:
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
EGGS Design part of Sopra Steria
Industrial partners:
Rondane Produksjon
Holmen Iggsund
Moltzau Packaging
The Research Council of Norway (RCN)
Department of Research on Agriculture and Food Industry (FFL/JA)
Total budget 12 million
Project - 3 min read
The EES.G2 project are developing innovative, wood fiber-based, modular, and recyclable packaging solutions for the defense, sports, and outdoor markets, where plastic consumption is reduced by a minimum of 90% compared to current plastic-based solutions on the market. This is a completely new and environmentally friendly packaging solution dedicated to harsh conditions in the wild and the food industry.
EES.G2 addresses environmental challenges associated with pollution from fossil plastics, transportation, recycling, and plastic leakage into nature.
R&D partners:
EGGS Design (ED)
NTNU bioteknologi og matvitenskap (IBT)
NTNU nevromedisin og bevegelsesvitenskap (INB)
Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt (FFI)
Industrial partners:
Moltzau Packaging
Holmen Iggesund
Nortura SA
Rondane Produksjon
Norwegian Retailers Environmet Fund
Total budget 4 million
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More information will be provided soon.
More information will be provided soon.
More information will be provided soon.
More information will be provided soon.
More information will be provided soon.
The project is set to develop a novel environmentally friendly packaging solution for next-generation nutritional solutions. Our solution aims to replace the extensive use of plastic packaging in field rations while enhancing resource efficiency through functional and innovative packaging units. Our objective is to become a leading supplier of eco-friendly packaging to the Defense sector and other NATO countries, as well as the civilian hiking food market domestically and internationally.
R&D partners:
EGGS Design part of Sopra Steria
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Industrial partners:
Moltzau Packaging
Holmen Iggsund
ReMidt Næring
Rondane Produksjon
Norwegian Retailers Environmet Fund
Total budget 3 million